Press release, Focus & Newsletters

In a letter dated June 10, the Slovak Minister of Agriculture – Mr. Zsolt Simon – openly declared to Commissioner Ciolos his opposition to the liberalisation of planting rights. Slovakia is the 12th Member State* that is against the disappearance of a production potential management mechanism in the wine sector. To reach a qualified majority...
Brussels, 26 June 2013. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, welcomes the agreement reached last night- by the Agriculture Ministers on the future on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This agreement which maintains a regulation system for vine plantations until 2030 meets the wine-growers’ expectations. It will now be discussed with the European Commission...
Brussels, 26 June 2013. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines welcomes the final agreement reached by the three European institutions on the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The wine sector has obtained a key mechanism for regulating its production potential that will allow for a balanced and sustainable development of the EU wine sector...
Brussels, 14 June 2013. The Foreign Affairs Council adopted today a negotiating mandate for the free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States. EFOW, the European federation of origin wines, welcomes the inclusion of geographical indications (GIs) in the field of negotiations and hopes that this approach will allow a breakthrough in the protection of...
The decision of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the American private domain name system technical oversight body, to recognise new generic top-level domains on the Internet worries the wine sector. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, believes that the applications related to the wine sector (“.wine” “.vin”) may lead to abuses...
EFOW, the European Federation of origin wines, welcomes the political compromise reached yesterday by Agriculture Ministers on the future of the CAP, but asks for a more ambitious final agreement on the issue of planting rights. The negotiating mandate of the Council is overall satisfactory and reflects in a considerable extent the conclusions of the...
Brussels, March 11th 2013. A key week for the planting rights dossier. Despite the consensus reached on December 14 between the European Commission and the Member States the liberalisation spectrum is resurfacing in the context of the discussions held on the modalities of the new regime. This week will be crucial with the vote on...
Brussels, 24 January 2012. The Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament (COMAGRI) voted yesterday the various reports of the CAP reform, including the report of Mr Dantin (FR, EPP) on the single CMO. MEPs adopted by a large majority Mr Dantin’s amendment proposing to maintain the current planting rights regime. EFOW, the European Federation of...
Brussels, 14 December 2012. Today was held the last meeting of the High Level Group (HLG) on planting rights established by Commissioner Ciolos in January 2012. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, welcomes the outcome of the discussions which took place during the last HLG. EFOW now waits for Commissioner Ciolos to translate these...
Brussels, 3rd of October 2012. At the 2012 COPA COGECA Congress, which was held in Budapest (Hungary), Commissioner Ciolos made a new declaration on the issue of planting rights. A further step has been taken as the Commission now talks of regulation for all categories of wines including wines without a geographical indication (e.g. table...
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