The Commission Communication on the future of the CAP after 2013: EFOW calls for balanced and specific supports

Brussels, 18th October 2010. The European Commission published today its Communication on the future of the CAP after 2013. The President[1] and Vice-Presidents[2] EFOW – the European Federation of Origin Wines – gathered in Brussels, welcomed the approach proposed by the European Commission which advocates for a balanced, focused and sustainable CAP.

The European Commission adopted today its Communication on the CAP reform which promotes the maintenance of a strong CAP capable of ensuring food safety standards, quality and diversity of food produced sustainably as well as a CAP able to preserve viable rural communities and territorial balance. “EFOW shares the objectives of the European Commission on the reform of the common agricultural policy. The CAP must remain a strong EU policy and it must be given the means to achieve it. European quality wines perfectly inscribe themselves within the Commission’s objectives. However, it is essential that the future CAP respects the specificities of the wine sector, whether it concerns financial instruments (national envelopes) or regulatory provisions specific to the European viticulture” said Riccardo Ricci Curbastro, President of EFOW.

Among the new issues published in today’s Communication, the Commission mentions the need to stabilise markets and prices, including the improvement of the functioning of the food chain and strengthening production management instruments. EFOW believes that in order to preserve and enhance the wine sector, the CAP must be able to respond to natural hazards and to the high volatility of markets by maintaining tools that are useful for the sector. According to Mr. Ricci Curbastro: ” to ensure a balanced and sustainable development of the wine sector, the CAP reform must lead to the definition of a legal framework that provides for the use of production management instruments for the European viticulture as a whole after the phasing out of planting rights in 2015. ”


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[1] Mr. Riccardo RICCI CURBASTRO

[2] Mr. Luciano Vilhena Pereira, Mr. Christian Paly, Mr. Fernando Prieto Ruiz