PRESS RELEASE | Wine appellations and COVID-19 – EFOW’s Presidents take stock of the crisis and the measures implemented at the European level

EFOW's presidents welcome the important flexibilities that have been introduced for the wine sector at the national and European levels but consider that the crisis is far from over.

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PRESS RELEASE | New Wine Delegated Act: EFOW will continue to be active and vigilant

Commissioner Wojciechowski announced during the June 9th meeting with the political coordinators of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee (AGRI Committee) and the rapporteur on the CMO Delegated Acts, the preparation of a new Delegated Act before the summer on condition that the AGRI Committee withdraws its objection to the Delegated Act based on article 219 it is currently scrutinising.

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PRESS RELEASE | COVID-19: wine appellations call for urgent regulatory and market measures to deal with the crisis

EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, has written to Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski to explain the dramatic situation wine appellations are facing following the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis. EFOW's members are urging the European Commission to act swiftly through concrete regulatory and market measures to help operators navigate these troubled waters.

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PRESS RELEASE | European Wine appellations gathered in Brussels defend their tools and specificity

During an EFOW event sponsored by MEPs Mr. Dacian Cioloş (President Renew Europe), Mrs. Anne Sander (Quaestor, EPP) and Mr. Paolo De Castro (AGRI Coordinator, S&D), numerous European wine appellations called for the adoption of an ambitious CAP reform to strengthen the wine appellations which are the backbone of European viticulture.

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PRESS RELEASE | The EU Wine sector joins forces to rise to the challenge of alcoholic beverages self-regulation

Brussels, 12th March 2018 | The European associations representing the alcoholic beverage' sector have presented today to European Health Commissioner Andriukaitis their proposal for a self-regulation to give consumers clear…

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PRESS RELEASE | EFOW reflects on the European GI wines strong performance and the way forward

22 November 2017, Brussels. At the first congress of the European Federation of Origin Wines, EFOW ( held in Brussels today, participants reflected on the performance of the European wine…

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