PRESS RELEASE | EFOW welcomes the simplification of rules for Geographical Indication wines

Brussels, 17 December 2018

The European Parliament and Council scrutiny period on the Delegated Act recasting EC Regulation n.607/2009 on protected designations of origin and geographical indications, traditional terms, labelling and presentation of certain wine sector products has come to an end giving way to the future entry into force of new secondary legislation**. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, highly welcomes this move which should help GI wine operators innovate and adapt to an ever-changing market and to environmental issues, hence preserving their competitiveness on an international level.

EFOW’s President, Mr. Bernard Farges, explains: “EFOW’s members have been actively following for the past three years the simplification and lisbonisation process of EC Regulation n. 607/2009. We believe that the new text takes into account the needs of GI wine operators and will lead to significant simplifications in the amendment and recognition of GI wine specifications. We thank the European Commission, Member States and MEPs in the AGRI committee for all their efforts in making this possible”.

** the Delegated Act must be first published in the EU Official Journal