Planting rights: a European blog to inform, raise awareness and mobilise

Brussels, 27 June 2012. EFOW (European Federation of Origin Wines), with the help of a blogger passionate about wine, has launched a multilingual blog (English, French, Italian and Spanish) on the most pressing issue for the EU wine sector: the end of the wine planting rights scheme, scheduled for 1 January 2016.

On this blog, you will find all you need to know about the discussion on the future of planting rights (latest news, books and studies, testimonials, contests), contribute to the debate on this forum and even call for action. Our friend, VinSant, a blogger passionate about wine, is in charge of the blog. Log in to discover his humour and his easy to grasp take on the issue. Join the debate and share your opinions on the blog, via the Facebook page Planting Rights and/or Twitter in English, French, Italian and Spanish (PlantingEN, PlantingFR, PlantingIT, and PlantingES).

Through this blog, EFOW takes another step in the fight against the deregulation of the wine sector. Riccardo RICCI CURBASTRO, President of EFOW, states: “After winegrowers and elected officials, it is our responsibility to inform the public of the consequences of the deregulation of the sector’s economy but also of its consequences on the use of land, environment, quality and diversity, culture, etc. We felt that the issue needed a blog of its own to give citizens the opportunity to be actively part of this debate”. The launch of this blog will be followed this autumn by other communication actions towards the public opinion. Mr. Ricci Curbastro adds: “It is impossible for the European Commission to ignore public opinion that’s why we want people to support our cause which is all about protecting a sustainable development model of the wine industry in Europe”.