Conferencia Española de Consejos Reguladores Vitivinícolas
The “Conferencia Española de Consejos Reguladores Vitivinícolas” – CECRV – represents the Appellation of Origin wines from Spain. The Madrid based CECRV is composed by 61 “Consejos Reguladores”, groups of producers of Appellations of Origin.
The CECRV is the legitimate and exclusive representative of Spanish Appellations of Origin wines. Its objective is to defend the interests of its members at national, European and international levels.
Its missions are to:
- Represent, manage, protect and promote the common interests of wine PDOs
- Defend and maintain the prestige of Spanish Appellation of Origin wines
- Organize promotional events to promote the consumption of Spanish wines
- Encourage collaborative activities with associations representing PDOs and other quality products, organizations and national entities that share the CECRV values
- Encourage all efforts to improve the control and management in the wine production.
- Participate to fairs and exhibitions
Key figures:
- Share of origin wines in the Spanish Wine sector = 39.7% in volume in 2005 (estimations)
- The Spanish origin wines represent 58% of the vineyards
- 159 925 winegrowers
Go to the website: CECRV