Launch of EFOW 24th March 2010 – Press release

Origin wines launch a European federation The greatest wines with an appellation of origin united in a European family to defend their specificities

lulling_con_rc.jpgBrussels (24/03/2010) – European origin wines are the backbone of the European viticulture. They represent an exceptional legacy at the service of quality and diversity and contribute greatly to the economic and social balance in many regions of the European Union. To defend and promote this unique model, the Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Hungarian organizations of wines with an appellation of origin – CECRV[1], CNAOC[2], FEDERDOC[3], IVDP[4] and HNT[5] – have decided to pool their resources together and to launch, today in Brussels, the European Federation of wines of origin (EFOW).

The European institutions and national governments agree on the strategic significance of strengthening the system of geographical indications (GIs). However, the organisations in charge of origin wines fear that this model could be undermined in the framework of the debates on the quality policy reform (2010/2011) and the CAP reform (2013). European origin wines want their voice to be heard. They reject excessive market liberalisation, the dismantling of the CAP, the dilution of the single market and the re-nationalisation of the agricultural policy. They consider that market opening must be pursued but advocate maintaining market management tools.

EFOW’s goal is to represent European origin wines towards the European and international institutions. The federation is headed by Mr. Riccardo Ricci Curbastro.

According to Riccardo Ricci Curbastro, President of EFOW:

We are facing three major challenges: First, for origin wines, there can be no quality without the management of production! EFOW is not asking for a specific aide but for the development of tools that would help to develop our markets in a harmonious way and to prevent crises. We expect concrete proposals from the European Commission on this issue in the context of the quality policy and the CAP reform. Second, EFOW asks the European Union to step up its efforts both within the WTO and in the framework of bilateral agreements’ negotiations to obtain a real improvement of European origin wines’ protection in order to protect consumers against frauds and fight unfair competition. Finally, EFOW calls for a more dynamic and ambitious promotion and information policy for origin wines to reconquer important consumer markets, both within the EU and in third countries.

Regarding EFOW

Membership to EFOW is open to all national organisations representing origin wines from the EU. More information on EFOW’s website

Press contacts

Brussels: David Thual +32 2 733 50 60

Paris: Pascal Bobillier-Monnot +33 1 426 12 125

Rome: Pasquale de Meo +39 06 442 505 89

Madrid: José Alfonso Sierra Salinas +34 6 19 665 066

Porto: Alberto Riberio de Almeida +351 222 071 647

Budapest: Diana Sidlovits +36 14 13 75 27

[1] Conferencia Española de Consejos Reguladores

[2] Confédération Nationale des Producteurs de Vins et Eaux-de-Vie de Vin à Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée

[3] Confederazione Nazionale dei Consorzi volontari per la tutela delle denominazioni di origine

[4] Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto

[5] Hegyközségek Nemzeti Tanácsa