Green Paper on promotion: EFOW focuses on the single market

Brussels, September 30 2011 – EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, took part to the public consultation on the Green Paper on promotion measures and information provision for agricultural products launched by the European Commission on July 14. EFOW stressed the importance of the EU single market which represents for the wine sector the first market of “export”.

By publishing a Green Paper on promotion, the European Commission launched the debate on the future of promotion programs and information campaigns for EU agricultural products. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, participated to this public consultation and insisted on the need, for the future promotion policy, to allow co-financing actions to promote European origin wines in the single market.

As explained by EFOW’s President, Mr. Riccardo RICCI CURBASTRO, “it is essential that EU promotion investments give rise to positive results to the different beneficiary sectors, notably for origin wines which largely contribute to the trade balance of the different Member States. These investments must be made on all buoyant markets, in third countries as well as on our natural market, the internal market, which represents nearly 75% of the world wine market”. Therefore, EFOW calls upon the European Commission to open wine promotional measures provided for in the single CMO to the European market. Currently these funds are only available for third markets.

Furthermore, Mr. RICCI CURBASTRO defends that “communication campaigns must focus on explaining to consumers the specificity and diversity of European production in particular as to the origin, production methods, its added value and its role in the rural development. It is essential to define a framework for promotion for wines based on responsible and moderate drinking having beneficial effects on health.”

Contacts :

Daniela Ida ZANDONA’ (Bruxelles) : +322733 50 58

José Alfonso SIERRA SALINAS (Madrid): +34619665066

Pasquale DE MEO (Rome): +390644250589

Alberto RIBEIRO DE ALMEIDA (Porto): +351222071647

David BRASZIL (Budapest): +3614137527