Press release, Focus & Newsletters
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The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is currently being negotiated within the World Organization of Intellectual Property (WIPO). This represents a golden opportunity for Geographical Indications (GIs) who are always seeking a greater protection on the international arena. After the 11th round in Tokyo, which ended last September, a consolidated text was adopted and published. Geographical...
Mrs. Catherine Vautrin, French Member of Parliament (MP), presented on October 19th a report analysing the liberalisation of planting rights. This report highlighted the need to maintain at the European level a mechanism for regulating the production for all vineyards (including wines without geographical indication). EFOW welcomes the work of the MP on this fundamental...
Brussels, 6th of October 2010. In view of the European Commission’s Communication on the future of the CAP after 2013 which will be published on November 17th, EFOW, the European Federation of Origin wines, calls for a strong and regulatory CAP that is respectful of the specificities of each sector. EFOW considers that the sum...
Introduction La réforme de la PAC post 2013 se déroulera en parallèle à la redéfinition des nouvelles perspectives financières pour 2013-2020. La détermination de ce budget aura une retombée importante sur l’avenir de la PAC. De nombreux acteurs souhaitent une nouvelle répartition du budget avec davantage de fonds pour financer non seulement la PAC (approximativement...
EFOW supports the event that will take place on the 28th of September in the European Parliament regarding the future of the European quality policy. One of EFOW’s members (HNT) will take the floor and will underline, once again, the importance of the management of the production potential for the origin wine sector. For more...
Brussels, 3rd of September 2010. Preliminary studies results conducted under the auspices of the OIV, demonstrate that good winemaking practices can eliminate residues of albumin and casein in wine. These results are being analysed by the EFSA. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, asks the European Commission to postpone by one year the entry...
On the 16th of June the European Parliament (EP) voted in plenary the report of Mrs. Sommer concerning the provision of food information to consumers. EFOW welcomes the adoption of the report which establishes a temporary exemption for alcoholic beverages, including wine, from labelling the nutritional declaration and the ingredients list. The EP on the...
On Tuesday the 8th of June in Angers, the representatives of the European quality products (wine, cheese and other productions) jointly expressed their concerns regarding the programmed expiration of production regulation mechanisms. They denounced the negative effects on the markets of such an important deregulation of the agricultural policy. The lack of regulation tools will...
(April 23, 2010 – Brussels) On the 17th of April, at the Concours des Grands Crus de France in Macon, the French Minister of Agriculture – Mr. Bruno LE MAIRE – spoke out against the liberalisation of planting rights provided by the single CMO for 2015. EFOW welcomes the fact that after Chancellor Merkel’s statements...
Press Release
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Press Release
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