First G7 of Geographical Indications: EFOW joins the call to Governments to do more to fight all kind of usurpations

Brussels, 11 October 2017. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines (, took part to the first G7 of Geographical Indications (GI) which took place in Bergamo (Italy) on 11 October 2017. In presence of the Italian Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Martina, host of the G7 Agriculture meeting which will be held on 14 and 15 October, the GI family adopted a declaration asking G7 Governments and the International community to further promote and defend GIs as Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs).

During this meeting, EFOW’s members measured the determination of their colleagues to work together to develop GIs throughout the world and to protect their rights on different markets and on the internet.

EFOW’s President, M. Bernard Farges, expressed his enthusiasm “to be part of this growing family. The organisation of this event and the important support to the declaration shows that GIs are able to answer numerous challenges such as sustainable development,  a diversified and non-standardised agriculture, employment in rural areas and consumer protection against counterfeits”. Mr. Farges added that “the EU plays a major role. Without the efforts of the European Institutions and the Member States to protect our GIs in third countries and promote this concept our products and our regions would certainly be less dynamic”.