EU vineyards: 3.2 million hectares of which 78% are GI wines

On 4 April Eurostat published an article stating that in the EU in 2015 there were “2.4 million holdings cultivating 3.2 million hectares of vineyards”. The document underlines the fact that 2.5 million hectares of vineyards were dedicated to producing GI wines (more specifically 2.1 million hectares for PDOs and 0.4 million hectares for PGIs) meaning that 78% of European vineyards produce quality wines. Spain (with 941,000 ha and 30% of the area), France (803,000 ha and 25%
of the surfaces) and Italy (610,000 ha in 2010 and 19% of the surfaces) account for 75% of vineyard area in the EU. Interestingly, the largest number of holdings was recorded in Romania (855,000) followed by Spain (518,000) and Italy (299,000 in 2010). As far as the largest holding is concerned France (10.5 ha) is leader in this field. On the front of the PDO and PGI production, Spain and France account for two thirds of all EU GI wines. The report also emphasised that GI wines made up the largest share of every Member State with a vineyard (without taking into account Romania).

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