EFOW’s Seminar | Opportunities and challenges for Geographical Indication wines in the online market

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Hosted by Paolo De Castro MEP and Herbert Dorfmann MEP Tuesday 4 December 2018, 10h30-12h30 | European Parliament – room ASP 3H1 Welcome address by Herbert Dorfmann MEP Brief Introduction by EFOW’s President, Mr. Bernard Farges

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CAP post-2020 | EFOW is satisfied with the proposals on quality policy, cautious about planting authorisations and wine programmes & against granting the term wine to alcohol-free products

Following the publication of the European Commission proposals on a CAP reform, EFOW is positioning itself on the major challenges for the future of wine appellations.

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PRESS RELEASE | The EU Wine sector joins forces to rise to the challenge of alcoholic beverages self-regulation

Brussels, 12th March 2018 | The European associations representing the alcoholic beverage' sector have presented today to European Health Commissioner Andriukaitis their proposal for a self-regulation to give consumers clear…

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PRESS RELEASE | EFOW reflects on the European GI wines strong performance and the way forward

22 November 2017, Brussels. At the first congress of the European Federation of Origin Wines, EFOW (www.efow.eu) held in Brussels today, participants reflected on the performance of the European wine…

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First G7 of Geographical Indications: EFOW joins the call to Governments to do more to fight all kind of usurpations

Brussels, 11 October 2017. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines (www.efow.eu), took part to the first G7 of Geographical Indications (GI) which took place in Bergamo (Italy) on 11…

Continue ReadingFirst G7 of Geographical Indications: EFOW joins the call to Governments to do more to fight all kind of usurpations