PRESS RELEASE | EFOW welcomes the renewal of the Intergroup supporting wine and quality policy
EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, warmly welcomes the renewal of the Wine, Spirits, and Quality Foodstuff Intergroup.
EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, warmly welcomes the renewal of the Wine, Spirits, and Quality Foodstuff Intergroup.
Brussels, 11 September 2024 - EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, the organisation representing Geographical Indication (GI) wines, presented its' proposals for a more competitive and resilient wine sector during the first meeting of the High-Level Group on Wine Policy set up by the European Commission.
Brussels, 20 March 2024 - During the last Wine Intergroup meeting of the current legislature, EFOW - the European Federation of Origin Wine - represented by its' Vice-President and Treasurer Mr. Maxime Toubart, presented its Manifesto for the June European elections. The Wine Intergroup meeting in the European Parliament took stock of the 2019-2024 legislature and set the stage for the next term. During the meeting, EFOW regretted that the von der Leyen Commission lost interest in Geographical Indication (GI) products. The Green Deal promoted a very restrictive understanding of sustainability, focusing on environmental and health issues and ignoring the economic and social pillars of agricultural production.
Brussels, 28 February 2024 – EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines (, the Brussels-based organisation promoting and defending Geographical Indication (GI) wines, welcomes today's vote in the European Parliament's…
EFOW (the European Federation of Origin Wines) and DWV (the German Winegrowers' Association) together with MEPs Paolo De Castro (S&D), Alvaro Amaro (EPP), Irène Tolleret (RE), Adrian Vazquez Lazara (RE) and Claude Gruffat (Greens) organised a seminar in Strasbourg to exchange on the revision of Geographical Indications (GI). On that occasion, Arcadia International experts presented to participants EFOW and DWV's study on sustainability in wine appellations.
On 22 September 2021 the European Commission published for opposition in the EU Official Journal the application for protection of the Traditional Term "Prošek". The European Federation of Origin Wines (EFOW - - is preoccupied to see that the European Commission (EC) has decided to go forward with the publication for opposition of this application.
Brussels, 25 June 2021 - EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, welcomes the political compromise reached by the European institutions on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) during…
Brussels, 5 March 2021. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines (, welcomes the announcement by President von der Leyen, and the USTR office to suspend for an initial period of…
Brussels, 20 January 2021. EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines (, welcomes the letter sent by Mr Norbert Lins, the Chairman of the AGRI Committee of the European Parliament, on…
EFOW, the European Federation of Origin Wines, and oriGIn EU, the European antenna of the global alliance of geographical Indications (GIs), take the initiative to reiterate their appreciation for the recent initiatives taken by the European Commission to reinforce the EU GI system and call on EU law-makers to adopt amendments tabled in the context of the CAP reform that will strengthen GIs.