12 Member States against the liberalisation of planting rights: Slovakia joins the anti-liberalisation camp

In a letter dated June 10, the Slovak Minister of Agriculture – Mr. Zsolt Simon – openly declared to Commissioner Ciolos his opposition to the liberalisation of planting rights. Slovakia is the 12th Member State* that is against the disappearance of a production potential management mechanism in the wine sector.

To reach a qualified majority in the Council of Ministers, we still need 2 Member States and 66 votes.

EFOW welcomes this development and urges the Commission to make a legislative proposal in the context of CAP reform.

*12 Member States against the liberalisation of planting rights: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Republic of Slovakia.


Daniela Ida ZANDONA’: +32 2 733 50 58